12 Actions That Society Still Stigmatizes Even Though They’re Healthy for the Body and Soul



12 Actions That Society Still Stigmatizes Even Though They’re Healthy for the Body and Soul

Comments made by our family members or loved ones are often comforting words for our souls that help us feel a little happier. But sometimes, their words can hurt. They may not perceive something the right way, even if that thing is a totally healthy and beneficial habit for our well-being. Ideas about how to do things are rooted in societal norms, and many of them don’t make sense.

That’s why Bright Side made a compilation of some actions that usually have a bad reputation in the eyes of others but that can be very good for those who do them.

Taking time for yourself

Wanting to take a few days off or cancel plans to stay at home and watch movies on the couch with a face mask is totally healthy and valid. Researchers even say that spending time with yourself helps us to see inside ourselves and get to know ourselves better so we can work on what we want to change.

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