You don’t have to be a wealthy workout fanatic to get yourself in shape. The most important thing is to get started and stick with it. It’s not always possible to maintain a proper diet and lifestyle, especially if you’re busy. Yet, these 6 celebrities shed kilos like leaves in autumn despite their hectic life. They shared their secrets and didn’t even charge us anything.
Adele leads quite an active lifestyle — she lifts weights in the morning, hikes or boxes in the afternoon, and does cardio at night. Besides, she’s a fan of reformer Pilates. The singer also confesses that limiting her sugar intake was probably why she lost a lot of weight, “I used to drink 10 cups a day with 2 sugars in each, so I was on 20 sugars a day.”
Rebel Wilson
Although Rebel has struggled with emotional eating and polycystic ovarian syndrome, she lost more than 80 pounds. The actress followed the Mayr Method. There’s no calorie counting, but you must chew your food properly and eat slowly. The biggest meal is breakfast, and the smallest one is dinner. She also loves taking walks and meditating to combat emotional eating.
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